
Investment Service Center

Investment Promotion Department


Liu Jinrong Visited Relevant Ministries and Commissions of Laos, Investigated the Group's Key Projects in Laos, and Comforted Cadres and Staff in Laos
Release time:2024-01-15 11:14 Source: 原创 Reporter: admin Photographer: Auditor:

From January 11 to 13, Liu Jinrong, Deputy General Manager of the Group, went to Laos to pay visits to Sarongsai Kommasit, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Laos, Ampasong Mangmani, Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Khamkian Ongphusi, Minister of Planning and Investment and Chairman of the China-Laos Cooperation Committee, and Zhao Wenyu, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Laos, and to participate in the foundation stone-laying ceremony of the Blue Moon Lake International Resort Project in Wanrong.

▲Attendance at the meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Laos, Mr. Chalonset Kommasit

Shalensai Gommasi congratulated Yunnan Construction Investment on the achievements of its investment and construction projects in Laos, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Group for its positive contribution to the economic and social development of Laos. He said that the large-scale projects invested and constructed by Yunnan Construction Investment in Laos are deeply recognized and supported by all walks of life in Laos and fully affirmed by the Lao national leaders, making positive contributions to further deepening the friendship and neighborly relations between China and Laos. With the active promotion of the newly signed "Action Plan of the Communist Party of China and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party on Building a Community of Destiny between China and Laos (2024-2028)", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Laos and various ministries and commissions will, as in the past, support Yunnan Construction Investment in investing and constructing large-scale projects in Laos, and support the advancement of the latter three sections of the Laos-China Expressway project as well as investment and construction of the Sai Sai Sai Tha Comprehensive Development Zone.

▲Exchange Talk with Minister of Public Works and Transportation Ampasong Mangmani

Ampasong Mangmani said that the Ministry of Transportation of Laos, as a government department in charge of highway projects, has always attached great importance to and cared about the advancement of the Lao-Chinese highway, and the successful operation of the first section of Vientiane-Van Rong highway is a model of success for this kind of projects, with excellent project quality and operational effectiveness recognized by the common people, which fully demonstrates the strength and commitment of YNJCI. We hope that Yunnan Construction Investment will speed up the construction of the last three sections, especially the first implementation of the section from Oudomxay to Moding, and hope that there will be a substantial breakthrough in 2024. The Ministry of Transportation of Laos will continue to support the major projects invested by Yunnan Construction Investment in Laos, and we firmly believe that Yunnan Construction Investment will achieve another success.

▲ Meeting with Minister of Planning and Investment and Chairman of the China-Laos Cooperation Committee, Kandjian Ongphusi

Khamkian Ongphusi expressed his gratitude to Yunnan Construction Investment Corporation (YCIC) for its outstanding contribution to the economic and social development of Laos. He said that in recent years, Yunnan Construction Investment Corporation has implemented a number of investment and assistance projects to help Laos' economic development while creating many employment opportunities. The opening and operation of the China-Laos Expressway has greatly improved the income and living standard of villagers along the route. The Ministry of Planning and Investment of Laos will continue to provide support for Yunnan Construction Investment's project activities in Laos and push forward the project to complete the investment and construction in a high level. Meanwhile, it also sincerely wishes that Yunnan Construction Investment will make more excellent achievements in the future development and continue to make positive contributions to the development of Laos.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

▲ Meeting with Zhao Wenyu, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Laos

Zhao Wenyu said that Yunnan Construction Investment, as an important force in the construction of Yunnan Province's radiation center facing South Asia and Southeast Asia, should actively implement the newly signed Action Plan of China-Laos Community of Destiny (2024-2028), continue to maintain good development momentum, seize the opportunity, give full play to its own strengths, operate and maintain the section of the China-Laos Expressway from Vientiane to Wanrong, and promote the construction and operation of the last three sections of the Expressway in a scientific planning and solid manner. The Embassy will actively do its duty. The Embassy will actively do its own work and support the operation and development of Chinese and Yunnan enterprises in Laos as always.

Liu Jinrong expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Lao government, ministries and embassies for their long-term care, help and support to the Group. Liu Jinrong said that in recent years, under the care and guidance of the Lao government and the embassy, Yunnan Construction Investment has taken the initiative to actively participate in infrastructure construction, aid projects and "small and beautiful" livelihood projects in Laos, and the China-Laos Expressway and Laos Sai Serta Comprehensive Development Zone, which have been put into operation, have become an important force in promoting the economic and social development of Laos. These projects have become an important force to promote the economic and social development of Laos, and are important achievements of the "China-Laos Community of Destiny". As a next step, Yunnan Construction Investment will firmly implement the specific requirements of the "Action Plan of the Communist Party of China and the Lao People's Revolutionary Party on Building a Community of Destiny between China and Laos (2024-2028)", further enhance political awareness, accelerate the construction of major projects, and solidly push forward the implementation of the remaining section of the China-Laos (Moding-Vientiane) Expressway Project, so as to continue to work closely and move forward side by side with Laos. We will continue to work closely with Laos and walk side by side to make more positive contributions to the "Belt and Road" initiative and Laos' strategy of "turning land-locked country into land-connected country", and contribute more CIC's strength to the construction of China-Laos community of destiny.

In the afternoon of January 12, the foundation stone laying ceremony was jointly held for the construction project of Wanrong Tourism Economy Industry Demonstration Park, which was constructed by China Construction Bureau 8, and the construction project of Wanrong Blue Moon Lake International Resort, which was constructed by the Group's three companies. Thonglor Sirion, Deputy Minister of Defense and Director of Military Political Department of Laos, Ongkham Pangmakong, Deputy Minister of Defense of Laos, Nie Lei, Chairman and General Manager of Laos Culture and Tourism Group, Liu Huan, General Manager of North China Company of China Construction Bureau of China Construction Engineering Group, and Liu Jinrong, Deputy General Manager of the Group Company attended the ceremony.

On behalf of the Ministry of Defense, Ongkham Pangmakong spoke. He said the project is a joint investment and development project between the Lao State-owned Agro-Industrial Development and Import-Export Service Company and the Lao Culture and Tourism Group Co. He hoped that all parties would be united and gather all the strength and resources they can to invest in the construction of the project, so as to make it a tourist attraction where one can feel and learn about the cultures of various ethnic groups in Laos.

Liu Jinrong spoke on behalf of the Group. He said, Yunnan Construction Investment and the Lao government, the Lao people have a deep friendship, a long history, Laos is Yunnan Construction Investment in overseas operations for the longest time, the deepest emotions, the most fruitful cooperation. In the care and support of the governments of China and Laos at all levels, the group has the courage to be the main force in the construction of the "Belt and Road" and Yunnan Province "going out" of the vanguard, today, Yunnan Construction Investment in Laos construction projects throughout the north and south, the story and the book of friendship is being continuously renewed. As the general contractor of the project, Yunnan Construction Investment Corporation will keep its promise, take quality as the foundation, progress as the main line and safety as the life, match the project management team with the best and the strongest, unite with sincerity, organize carefully and manage scientifically, so as to grasp the quality unswervingly, grasp the progress unswervingly and grasp the safety unremittingly, so as to ensure the successful completion of the project construction tasks.

During the period, Liu Jinrong investigated Sai Serta Comprehensive Development Zone and Vientiane International Business Tourism Center in Vientiane, Laos, and carried out the Group's 2024 "Happy CIC Warmth to Ten Thousand Homes" warmth sending activities, visited the frontline cadres and workers of key projects, distributed condolences and sent the organization's care to the hands of frontline cadres and workers.

Liu Jinrong expressed his thanks and sincere greetings to the cadres and workers who have been struggling abroad for a long time for their positive contributions to the Group's development. He said that the Group attaches great importance to the development of overseas business, highly concerned about the production and living conditions of overseas cadres and workers and career development, and hoped that the front-line cadres and workers in the new year will continue to be based on their positions, and work hard with full enthusiasm and full motivation, and more actively and proactively integrate into the national "One Belt, One Road" initiative and the construction of the Yunnan Radiation Center for South and Southeast Asia, and conscientiously implement the Group's "one belt, one road" initiative. Southeast Asia Radiation Center construction, seriously implement the Group's "3512" development goals, make every effort to create a new competitive advantage in overseas markets, and polish the Group's overseas "gold signboard" with practical actions, so as to contribute to the Group's connotative and high-quality development.

Relevant persons in charge of the Group's International Department, Base Investment Company, Sea Investment Company and the three companies participated in the above activities.

图文丨周钰杰 张维娜 周一民 伊洋 赵子豪 John 邱尔智 周华

责任编辑丨苏粲 梁羽雁

来源 | 云南建投集团微信公众号